Crazy Blonde Life

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Healthy Eating Re-Boot - Hummus & Greens Bowl

As I write this, I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport on the way to Naples, Florida.  I'm quite honestly seriously doubting that I am anywhere near being mentally or physically ready to put on a bathing suit, but I guess it's going to happen anyway.  On the plane from Raleigh to Atlanta, I started thinking about a reset, or re-boot.  Cold weather, not enough workouts and too much mindless snacking have definitely caught up with me.  I will admit that I'm fortunate that I don't gain weight too easily, and even though my weight is roughly the same, I feel fluffy in all the wrong places!  Anyway, diet is the best place to start, so I'm sharing this recipe for a Hummus and Greens Bowl that is so easy and healthy!  I used store bought spicy carrot hummus and that made it even easier.  Keep scrolling for the recipe.  Print a copy and take it to the grocery store so you don't forget any of the ingredients...but also, make it your own.  If you don't like broccoli rabe, use broccoli.  The fresh crunch of fennel would also be amazing in the recipe.  It's full of healthy protein and healthy fats!  For more recipes like this, be sure to down load my e-book, A Week of Healthy Eating here.  It's packed full of delicious recipes that will make you feel great!


I'll be blogging from Naples, Florida for the next few days!  I can't wait for the warm air and sunshine!   Thanks so much for reading!