Crazy Blonde Life

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10 Most Popular Post From 2018 on Crazy Blonde Life

Happy Saturday Everyone! It’s December 29 and I’m starting to reflect back over this past year and look ahead to the coming year. 2018 was a year of enormous change for me…some parts of it were absolutely fabulous and some were excruciatingly painful, but I made it through. I learned many lessons and I’m taking them into 2019 and setting an intention to make it the best year ever.

I have so many exciting plans for Crazy Blonde Life and can’t wait to share them all with you, but in the meantime, I thought I would share the 10 Most Popular Posts from 2018. What was your favorite?

Blepharoplasty - Eye Lift Surgery - My Experience - I still can’t believe I posted the pictures from my eye lift surgery, but it was the most viewed post of the year. I’m really happy that it’s behind me and I'm still thrilled with the results. There are so many new options for injectables, plastic surgery, laser treatments and skin care and I’m researching them (and planning on experimenting) for a blog post coming soon.

2 Ways to Wear Cropped Flair Jeans - Mixing High and Low - I remember being inspired by pictures that I saw on a street style tumblr and then recreating the looks for this post! One of my favorite things to do for fashion inspiration is to look at what other women are wearing and then pull pieces from my closet to copy the look…and put my own spin on it. I’ll definitely be doing more of these posts in the coming year!

Beauty is Hidden in Life’s Most Painful Changes - This post was inspired by a poem called Permission Granted and it really resonated with everyone. It’s definitely worth rereading as we go into 2019.

Living With An Eating Disorder - This was by far the hardest post that I’ve ever written. We all have our struggles and I think it helps to know that we’re not alone.

Makeup Tips for Women Over 50 - I was a little surprised by the response to this post, but I guess I shouldn’t have been. We all want to put our best face forward and feel good about how we look. To go along with this post, I have a makeup video coming so keep checking back for that. I also have plans to start doing short tutorial videos and share the latest and greatest in makeup and my favorite products!

Summer White & My Midlife Comeback Plan - In this post, I shared that I was working on an e-book called The Midlife Comeback Plan! This e-book was a labor of love and so much fun to put together. It is packed with fashion advice, a workout video, inspiration and much more! I’m working on an updated version that I think you’ll love!

Download your copy of The Midlife Comeback Plan here!

15 Summer Outfit Ideas - Look for a post similar to this one coming in the next couple of weeks!

How To Wear Wide Leg Cropped Pants - I love the look of Wide Leg Cropped Pants, but it isn’t so easy to style them because I’m only 5’4”. I tried my best in this post to give you the best tips for styling this trend that doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon!

I’ve Done All Your Fall Shopping For You - This post took forever to put together, but I really enjoyed every minute of it and I still go back and reference it when I’m feeling like I don’t have anything to wear!

A Year of Change - Yes it was a year of change…but I guess they all are!

With each passing year, I have more of a vision of where I want to take Crazy Blonde Life. Starting this blog has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I appreciate each and every one of you who read it and it is my sincere desire that I serve you all in some way every day with inspiration, fashion or just a “Daily Indulgence”. Thank you so much for supporting me!