Crazy Blonde Life

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6 Ways to Make the Most of Fall

After finally enjoying some nice fall weather this past week, I started thinking about things I’m excited to do between now and Thanksgiving! I’m in Atlanta right now because my daughter is having a baby any day now! I’m loving the cooler mornings here, cozy sweaters and snuggles with my grandson Hudson! This is the perfect time to remind myself to slow down and really savor these days before we head into holiday madness. In an attempt to make the most of Autumn, I made a little list of things I want to do before the season is over.

What’s on your list?

Pull Out Cozy Sweaters and Booties and Get Outside!

I’m wearing one of my favorite “uniforms” for the season! What could be easier than a sweater, jeans and booties! Keep scrolling for some of my favorite cozy sweaters.

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Decorate Your Porch for the Season

I love to decorate my porch for Halloween and I always leave my pumpkins and chrysanthemums out until the day after Thanksgiving. We always get our Christmas tree the day after Christmas!

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Get Cozy with Blankets and Soft Pillows

There isn’t much better than spending the morning snuggled up in a cozy bed when the temperatures start to drop!

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Make Some Comfort Food

Fall is the best time to make soul satisfying food and sharing it with friends! These two delicious fall recipes can be made entirely in a cast iron skillet.

One-Pot Baked Pasta with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe

Cast Iron Roast Chicken with Caramelized Leeks

Light a Fall Scented Candle

These are two of my favorite candles for fall! Surround yourself with all delicious food, cozy spaces and make everything smell amazing!

Start a Gratitude Journal

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's the perfect time of year to give thanks and express gratitude for all that we have. Keep a daily journal {you know I love my journal} of things to be grateful for….there is always something no matter how small! I guarantee it will make your days better, even when the stress of the holidays starts to get to you. 

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I’m so excited for the birth of my new grandson, Baby Graham! Lauren was supposed to be induced yesterday (Thursday), but I’m supposing that the full moon sent lots of women into labor and she wasn’t able to get into the hospital because they were so busy! She is now supposed to go on Monday so we’ll spend the weekend waiting! I’ll keep you posted! Have a great weekend everyone!