What Crazy Blonde Life is About

Last night, I moved from Alpharetta to be with Garrick at the Mandarine Oriental in Buckhead!  I've decided that I want to live in this hotel!  It's one of the most beautiful hotels I've ever stayed in!  Lauren met me here and we went to True Food Kitchen right across the street at Lenox Mall and then came back to the hotel for a little while!  It has been a busy few days for Hudson and he pretty much hit the wall, so Lauren had to take him home for a nap.  I have been sitting here in the sunshine in the beautiful bar at the Mandarine Oriental writing my blog and sipping a glass of prosecco!  It has been a very relaxing afternoon.  I'm going back to Alpheretta tonight to have dinner with Lauren and Chirs and also going back in the morning for story time at the library before I head back home!  I have a feeling that I'm going to get to know Atlanta very well!

My hotel room is so beautiful!

We had lunch at True Food Kitchen!  Evidently, there are several locations, more on the west coast than the east coast.  I loved it from the minute we walked in the door!  It is a bustling, happy place with an open kitchen and really healthy and delicious food!  

The signs in the picture below are hanging in True Food and are quotes from three of my favorite people!  Alice Waters basically started the organic food movement and has been an inspiration to so any people with her cookbooks, school yard gardens, gardens in prisons, and her famous restaurant Chez Panisse in Berkley California..

Wendell Berry is a famous poet, novelist, activist and environmentalist and farmer who lives in Kentucky.  He has inspired millions and has written extensively about life on his farm and the importance of reverence for the land.

Andrew Weil, is probably THE authority in the field of integrated medicine.  He is internationally recognized on his views for leading a healthy lifestyle!

We had Kale Salad with Grilled Shrimp, a Cesear Salad with cauliflower, chickpeas and chicken, and a Spicy Curry with Tofu!

These pictures were take at the hotel, right before Hudson had a meltdown and had to watch some YouTube Kids!  What did we ever do without it!

So now, we get to the part about what Crazy Blonde Life is About!  I hope you are reading and not just looking at the pictures.

This blog is a big part of my life!  I keep blogging every day because it is my passion.  It is my choice to obnoxiously take pictures everywhere I go (I'm sorry to my family but I think you've gotten used to it) and to spend literally hours working on most every post!  I keep taking one small step every day, because my goal is to grow Crazy Blonde Life and to eventually have a team of creative women working with me to make it better and better with every post. I want to bring you the best indulgent recipes, the healthiest recipes, the latest in fashion and tell you about all the best places to eat shop and stay AND to expend beyond that with more how-to videos and thoughts about living the best life!

I have been accused, at times of only talking about the good parts of my life.  It's true that I don't share too many of the hard times, but I do try to share inspiration that helps me.  You know that I'm going through a hard time when I share a quote or write an inspirational post.  I don't feel like my readers really want to hear when I've had a bad day or when things feel really crappy, but I definitely have bad days just like everyone!

 I hope you all enjoy what I'm sharing and if you do, it would really help me if you let me know, first, by sharing my posts with friends and family and encouraging them to sign up for my daily emails, and second, by leaving comments.  Likewise, if you don't like something, that opinion is important to me as well and I am definitely open to constructive criticism!  I believe that the Universe is supporting me and so I keep working every day to improve.  Please let me know what you think!

My outfit details:  W by Worth sweater, Citizens of Humanity jeans, Chloe sandals

We finished the day at Kona Grill.  Sushi is never a bad idea!

There is nothing better than room service coffee in bed with a magazine and my computer!  I hope you all have a great day!  I'm off to story time!

Follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog


Friday Favorites for Easter


Salmon Nicoise Salad - The Perfect Recipe for Your Easter Lunch!