Crazy Blonde Life

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Two Amazing Restaurants and a Little Shopping

The food scene in Nashville is so amazing and the choices are unlimited!  Sarah and I had lunch at a new restaurant in the Gulch called Little Octopus.  I can't even describe how delicious our food was.  Not only was the food fabulous, the interior was bright and beautiful complete with a pink banquette and an open kitchen!  As soon as I get home, I'm going to try to replicate the Brussels Sprouts.  They were glazed with a fish sauce reduction and had red onion, scechuan peppercorns and garlic Brussels sprouts I've ever eaten.  I had a Farrow Bowl as well that was perfection and Sarah had a really delicious burger;  I know because of course, I had a bite!  The food was healthy as well as beautiful and that made it even more indulgent.  I highly recommend Little Octopus!

Our next stop was Frye!  The store is brand new with so many things to choose from!  When you open the door and step in, the intoxicating smell of new leather hits you and draws you in!  One of the first things that catches your eye is a drum set in the middle of the store...only in Nashville!  We tried on shoes and hats and made our wish lists.

Last time Sarah and I were in Nashville, she took my picture in front of these Angel wings!  I was so happy to see that they were still there!  Such a great photo opportunity!  I'm all about Angels and I am positive that I have an Angel with me at all times!

We ended our day with oysters at Fin & Pearl, another restaurant in the Gulch.  Fin and Pearl has a relaxed atmosphere, but is everything you would expect from a fine restaurant.  They had a large (and delicious) oyster selection and a full menu of seafood choices.  Oysters are one of my favorite foods and they are practically free food because they have only about 50 calories in six oysters.  That leaves a lot of wiggle room for dessert!

The seafood choices included everything from a fried seafood platter to seafood fettuccini to Branzino (the presentation was stunning) and of course oysters!

As you can see, the atmosphere is casual and bustling!

My time in Nashville was well spent!  I feel relieved to know that Sarah and Will have a place to live and I'm so grateful for the time that I spent with Sarah talking and catching up.  I'm also very grateful for time alone to work and rest.  The time allowed me to gain some clarity about the direction that I want for Crazy Blonde Life, as well as the direction that I want for my life.  This is a great lesson for me!  It is so important to work hard, but it is also crucial to have time to rest and reflect, to meditate, journal and pray.  Clarity comes in the silence. 

Yesterday was a fun day of eating delicious food and shopping!  I'm sad to be leaving today but I know I'll be back soon to do more discovering and exploring in this exciting and beautiful city!  Be sure to follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog and check back tomorrow for another Daily Indulgence!