Time With My Daughter

I love visiting Boston, but the truth is that I love spending time with my daughter.  I miss Rebecca so much and wish that she could be closer!  I am so fortunate to be able to come to Boston and visit..to see the sites, eat delicious food and just hang out and reconnect with my daughter!  The weather has been very cold and we've tried to stay indoors as much as possible, but it doesn't really matter what we've done, the important thing is that we've gotten to spend time together.  When I travel alone, I am able to get away from the distractions of being at home (laundry, errands, etc.) and reflect on the direction that my life needs to go.  I am grateful for the double benefits of trips like this.  I get to spend time with Rebecca (and Sarah in Nashville and soon Lauren in Atlanta) and I also get to spend much needed time alone and while it's always hard to leave because I miss them so much; I always leave with newly refreshed ideas and clarity about my life.

We decided to spend time shopping yesterday because there is great shopping connected to the hotel and that meant we didn't have to go outside in the cold!  We both loved seeing the new spring fashion and enjoying the windows.  We particularly loved the windows and displays in the Kate Spade store, even though it doesn't seem possible that it will ever be warm enough to wear any of these things in Boston!

Tory Burch never disappoints!

I didn't get these shoes, but I really want them!  I love the colorful design and the heel!

We decided to venture out later in the afternoon, but we ended up only going across the street to the Fairmont Hotel.  The hotel is one of the most beautiful hotels that I've ever been in!  We had a glass of wine and some delicious cheese and took lots of pictures.  We were able to sit and talk and just enjoy each other!

I will definitely copy this flower arrangement idea!  I love the large single hydrangea with the bunches of flowers.  It was such a stunning display in the middle of a long hallway.

Another thing about travel that I love is that I always leave with new ideas and inspiration for decorating and cooking!

My true happiness comes not from the fancy dinners or the shopping or the sight-seeing, it comes from the appreciation of the moments of connection I feel to being with the people I love most in the world.  It comes from the blessings of a life that I am grateful to be living!

If you like to drink Bourbon, the Fairmont is the place to go!

This pup is the resident greeter at the Fairmont!

This picture of a charcuterie platter was taken at Shepard Restaurant on Wednesday night!  We had a really delicious dinner there!

We ate at an Italian restaurant called Artu, in the North End of Boston on Prince Street last night.  It's a funny story because neither one of us can figure out how we found the restaurant.  I made the reservation because I thought Rebecca recommended it and she thought that I made it because I knew about it and wanted to go!  Either way, it turned out to be a simple, yet delicious meal.

Like I said before, in all honesty, it doesn't matter where we ate, what we bought or even where we are!  What matters is that we had the opportunity to spend precious time together!  I am so blessed to have close relationships with my daughters and I treasure them all!

Rebecca and I signed up for a cooking class at Sur La Table today!  We will be learning to make Italian pastries, including focaccia and biscotti!  I hope they will let me take pictures so I can share with you!  After the cooking class, we're planning to go to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts!  Our time together has gone by so quickly!  I can't believe that I have to leave tomorrow!

I have a multitude of exciting things to share with you next week, including the beginning of a Spring Closet Clean Out, a fun fashion photo shoot with Sara-Anne Photography, some healthy seasonal recipes to jump start a healthy Spring season, and a fashion show at Anthropologie!

Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see here at Crazy Blonde LIfe!  Your comments and suggestions are so important to me!   Follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!  Happy Friday!


A Restaurant and a Cooking Class...Food and More Food!


You Must Go to Eataly Boston