Crazy Blonde Life

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Spring Outfit Inspiration!

I'm still in shock from the crazy week I've had!  One Friday my youngest daughter got married and the next Friday, my oldest daughter moved to Atlanta and took my sweet grandson!  Given all of that, I really had a mental block about what to blog about this morning!  

Since it has been so unseasonably warm here, I decided to revisit some of the outfits that I was wearing last Spring.  These five pictures really stood out as outfits that I will definitely wear again!

I'm not giving links, but just ideas today!  I hope you are inspired to add some spring color to your wardrobe!

This outfit is so simple, but I think the necklace makes it.  Change the necklace and the bag and your whole look is different!

All of the photographs with the exception of the white jeans outfit are by Luck Photography

Most of these pieces are ones that have been in my closet for a while, some newer than others, but I will be wearing them again this Spring.  Maybe today!

If you've been trying to sign up for cooking classes and haven't been able to, the problem is now fixed!  There is availability for classes in April and May so be sure to go to the shop button at the top of the page, or just click here!  My new website bySuzanne will be up and running this week!  It's all about my catering and events business.  You'll be able to shop for my homemade granola, sign up for cooking classes and more!

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by Crazy Blonde Life!