Lunch at Printworks Bistro with Hudson

We love to eat at Print Works Bistro in Greensboro NC.  When I say we, I mean my girls and I, and Hudson!  We have been meeting there for lunch since Sarah started college at High Point University because it's about halfway for all of us!  We went to Print Works the day Hudson was born, but had been going there for years before that.  Somehow, when he was born, it officially became our favorite place to have girls lunch.  Today was the last time we'll be there together for a while. Lauren and I decided to meet Sarah at Print Works and have one last girls lunch.  Hudson had a great time eating truffle fries and a delicious gluten free grilled cheese sandwich.  I'm so sad that Lauren and Hudson won't be joining us for lunch anymore, but I hope to have many lunches with Sarah before she moves to Tennessee in May!  These girls are killing me!

It truly was a beautiful Spring day!  I don't ever remember the temperatures being quite so warm in February, but today the high was 76 degrees.  I was so grateful for the beautiful weather as we sat outside and enjoyed our delicious lunch!

Delicious Truffle Fries

I'm really gonna miss this girl!  I still can't believe she's married and now, Mrs. McHugh!

Hudson loved the gluten free breadsticks!

One of my favorite salads is the Warm Shrimp Salad!

Oh my, how I will miss these two!

I'll be going to Atlanta soon to see Hudson's new room and the new apartment!  I'm excited for this journey that Lauren and Chris will be on!  We don't always understand why things happen in our lives, but we have to trust and keep living and loving!

I've been having a little trouble with sign-ups for cooking classes for anyone that has tried to sign up and had a problem.  I wasn't aware of the problem until yesterday, but I'm working hard to get this issue fixed.  Hopefully by the end of the day, everything will be working again!

Thanks for stopping by Crazy Blonde Life and have a great day!  Follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog.


Spring Outfit Inspiration!


My Sweet Baby Hudson!