Crazy Blonde Life

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Wedding Day Photo Album - Sarah and Will

It was a magical day for a wedding!  The sun was warm and the sky was beautiful and everything fell into place...I don't think things could have gone more smoothly.  I really didn't know what to expect for the ceremony, but it was pure Sarah and Will!  They did exactly what they wanted to do and it was very very sweet with so much laughter and some tears.

Will is in the Army and was able to take leave this weekend so plans had to be made quickly for this small ceremony.  We all gathered at the magistrates office (aka the jail) and the ceremony was performed outside.  We all looked so out of place because of the way we were dressed (especially the girls), and Sarah with her bouquet of flowers!

I hope the the guys don't mind me saying this, but I think they cried more than the girls.  Especially Will!  I probably wouldn't have cried if I hadn't seen him cry!  There were some very tender moments and I think it was absolutely perfect!  I know that both of our families feel blessed to have an additional member!

This picture was taken right before we all left for the ceremony.  Sarah wore a beautiful white strapless dress that was perfect for the day!  She looked so beautiful!

At the magistrates office.

We probably have hundreds of pictures of Sarah and her best friend Sarah posing just like this!  They have been friends since the 5th grade and now they are McQueen and McHugh!

A sweet moment with Sarah!

Hudson had so much fun with Jackson.  Jackson is Will's nephew and Hudson thinks he is the best thing ever!

We were so pleased with the wedding cake!  It was exactly what Sarah wanted, all pink and ruffles with raspberry filling.  We have so much left over!  Come by if you want to try it!

I made a pasta salad with roasted vegetables, pine nuts, feta and basil and a fruit, veggie and hummus platter plus more.  The food pictures and recipes will be another blog post, so be sure to check back.

These next pictures are some of my favorites because they are completely candid!  Sarah tossed the bouquet and the girls had so much fun trying to catch it!  Emma McQueen ended up catching it on the second try because Sarah way overshot the first time and it went over all of their heads and landed in the grass!

The stunning flower arrangement on the dining room table came from Randy McManus Designs in Greensboro.

One of my favorite and talented friends, photographer Emily Genzer, came and took professional pictures last night.  The ones I'm sharing today were taken by yours truly.  I will share more of this very special evening next week.  

I'm so very blessed to have three beautiful and wonderful daughters and now two son-in-laws that I adore!

Rebecca was not able to be here last night and we missed her terribly!  The good news is that we are having another wedding (this time the ceremony will be at church) this summer with friends and family.  There will be bridesmaids, groomsmen and flower girls!  I'm excited to start planning...if they would just give me a date!