How to Make an Irresistible Avocado Salad!

I was looking at one of my favorite websites, Well and Good, the other day when I ran across a picture of an avocado with beautiful garnishes around the sides.  I immediately decided to make it and this is how mine turned out.  I used a spoonful of hummus in the middle of the avocado and sprinkled the sides with fresh thyme, alfalfa sprouts, Egyptian Dukkha, sea salt with rose petals, and red pepper flakes.  I am getting ready to eat this beautiful avocado as we speak!

I used ingredients that I had on hand to decorate the edges of the avocado and my favorite flavors were the Egyptian Dukkha and the Sea Salt with rose petals, although the flavors of all the garnishes mixed together was really delicious.  I think the bottom line for making this is...use something salty with some really good hummus and use something green and crunchy such as sprouts or thyme.  Chives would also work well.  The original picture had white and black sesame seeds which were pretty, but wouldn't be my choice for taste.  This is an easy, beautiful idea for lunch or dinner and isn't that we all are looking for?!  This avocado would be perfect for special guests as an appetizer for dinner or as part of a light lunch!

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