Last Minute Hors d'Oeuvres for The Holidays

The shopping is done, the packages are almost wrapped and I'm heading out shortly for my (hopefully) last trip to the grocery store.  It's time to slow down, and start to savor and enjoy everything that I've worked so hard to create here in our home.  I want to loose track of time, enjoying my family, delicious food and priceless memories.

In case you are still looking for ideas for last minute treats, this video will help!  I've included four very easy and delicious ideas including a Snack mix, a Butternut Squash Crostata, a cheese "Christmas Tree", and a Goat Cheese with Balsamic Reduction.  You can find the recipe for the Crostata here and everything else is so easy that you don't need a recipe! I hope you enjoy!

Below are a few holiday inspired posts and a few things that I'm excited about for the new year.

I love this blog post from Paris blogger Carol Gillott...her blog is called Paris Breakfast.  She is sharing a look inside the beautiful Le Grand Colbert in Paris.  This post will make you want to book a flight to Paris ASAP!

I have been inspired by New York Times, bestselling author, Gabrielle Bernstein for many years now and her new book Judgment Detox: Release The Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From A Better Life comes out January 2.  What better way to start the new year!

Eye Swoon by Athena Calderone has long been one of my favorite blogs and her new post with a recipe for Earl Grey Chocolate SoufflΓ© Cake is one you don't want to miss!  Calderone has a new cookbook out called Cook Beautiful and it made my list of favorite new cookbooks this year!

I absolutely cannot wait to see The Post starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep.  You can watch the trailer below!

I received a beautiful book as a Christmas gift from a friend last night by Moll Anderson called Change Your Home, Change Your Life With Color:  What's Your Color Story?  I took the book with me when I went to bed and absolutely fell in love with the story and the amazingly beautiful pictures!  I'm looking for anything inspirational for the New Year and this book definitely falls into that category!

Our family will all be home tonight and I could not be more excited.  I'll spend the day cooking and getting the house completely ready for everyone to be here!  The fun begins tomorrow with an annual get together with our friends and continues with a party on Christmas Eve!  I know I'll be gloriously exhausted by the time Christmas Night gets here.  Thank goodness we go to my sister's house that night and I don't have to do anything but show up!  I will be blogging as much as possible over the holidays, so if you have a chance, stop by and see what this Crazy Blonde is up too!  Merry Christmas!!


Christmas Plaid


An Outfit for Christmas Eve