Crazy Blonde Life

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What to do on a Winter Evening

What do you like to do on a Winter Evening?  Even though it's only the middle of January and we definitely have some winter weather coming, I am longing for Spring!  Winter is not my favorite time of the most people, I like Spring and Fall!  The lack of daylight gets to me and it seems like I'm tired and lazy in the evenings.  We all make these great New Year's Resolutions in January, only to feel gloomy and tired?  This week, I'm going to try to make my evenings more productive and start to make some of my resolutions a reality!  Here are my suggestions for some things do do in the evenings that will make you feel excited about your goals!



Journaling is a lot like making a Vision Board.  It's a great way to make a connection with your goals.  It can bring mental clarity as you check in and keep track of your progress.  Try to journal every night just for five minutes.  It will help you to hold yourself accountable and stay disciplined.  Also, don't forget to add in some gratitude!  At the end of each journal entry, try to add three things that you're grateful for and why.

Read this post from The Girl Who Loved To Write for some journaling inspiration.


If you're anything like me, you have a large stack of books waiting to be read!  I believe I have every self help book ever written, as well as all the best sellers and I still just keep on buying books.  My intentions are good, but my follow up isn't so great.  My problem is that when I get into bed, I get sleepy!  I'm going to curl up on the sofa with a warm blanket and a cup of tea and start reading some of the books that have been waiting for me for so long!  I'm sure that my book club will appreciate this!  Check out Amazon for a list of bestsellers if you don't already have a stack of books waiting for you.

Image from Pinterest


I love to cook, so this is one activity that I don't have a problem doing.   It's so therapeutic to pour a glass of rose and try  a new recipe.  There is something about the chopping and the sounds and smells of delicious food sauteeing on the stove that I love.  If you've always wanted to learn to bake bread or make the perfect apple pie, now might just be the time to try!  Sunday afternoon is also a great time to make a few things for the week ahead.  Try my recipe for Chicken and Corn Chowder!


Winter evenings are the perfect opportunity to clean out your pantry, closet, laundry room, kitchen or even just your junk drawer.  It's so easy to put this off, but January and February are usually a little slower than the rest of the year so take the time to do it now.  You'll thank yourself come Spring.

Image from Pinterest


We are all so busy taking care of, home, our businesses, laundry.  Life is full of things that we need to do, but when was the last time that you took a few minutes for yourself?  Turn off your phone, go for a walk, talk a long detoxbath, get take-out and watch your favorite movie, or spend ten minutes meditating.  The point is to spend some time alone doing something that you enjoy!  If you take care of yourself, you have more to give to others.

Image from Pinterest


We live in a time when, with a simple click of your computer mouse, you can access unlimited information and find endless resources.  You can take free online courses, learn a new language or watch YouTube videos on how to cook almost anything.  I also love to be inspired by other peoples blogs.  A few that I especially love are, Gabby, where you can download free meditations and watch endless videos on how to improve your life, A Simply Luxurious Life, and Camille Styles!

Read about my Spirit Junkie Masterclass with Gabrielle Bernstein of Gabby here!

The main goal of my blog is to inspire my readers to improve their lives by trying new things and being open to the possibilities that life has to offer!  I hope that you've enjoyed this post!  Please let me know what you think by leaving your comments in the box below!

Follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!  Thanks for stopping by Crazy Blonde Life and have a great day!