Crazy Blonde Life

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What's On Your Bucket List?

A Bucket List is a list of things you want to try, goals you want to achieve in life and experiences you want to have before you die!  A bucket list can make you stop and think what you actually want to experience in life.  It can remind you that life is short and should be lived to the fullest.  Bucket lists give hope and curiosity.

In order to create a bucket list you must be able to dream.  What would want to do with your life if money wasn't an option or an obstacle.  Now, remove all limits and just dream!  Get out a piece of paper and allow your mind to be as free as possible.  Put down every idea that you can think of and don't edit.  You might just amaze yourself with what you come up with.


Contemplate these questions!

Where would you live?


How would you live?


How would you dress?


Who would you spend time with?

What would you eat?



What would your hobbies be?

Where would you travel?


How would you decorate?



You may have trouble imagining all of the fun and inspiring thats that you could do!   Pinterest is a great way to peruse other people's bucket list boards and come up with inspiration!screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-8-40-36-am

After you've come up with your dream list, break up your list by times or seasons. 

Make a list of what you want to achieve by the time you hit your next birthday!

Make a list of places you want to visit.  Then make a list of what you want to do in each place!

You could also have a summer, fall, winter and spring bucket list.


Now that you have made all of your lists, come up with your TOP THREE!  Narrow your list and start to think about how you an complete the top three things.  Ask yourself questions such as:

What excites me the most and what has a time limit?  This may seem a little silly, but this exercise will provide you with a vision and in a similar way to a vision board, it may help to remove unconscious limitations you have put on yourself!

Start to integrate these top three things into your goals.  How can you make these things a reality and what might you be willing to give up to make these things possible.


The goal here isn't necessarily to complete your bucket list, but to keep it growing and changing.  The never-ending bucket list is a mental reminder to live a life free of regrets!  What will you do in your lifetime, what will you savor and celebrate?


I hope you've been inspired to create your own ever growing, ever changing bucket list!  Whether you come up with your top three or your top ten, be open to letting them change and grow as you change and grow! 

Have a great day!!  Please leave your comments below and follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!

All images from Tumblr and Pinterest