Crazy Blonde Life

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A Fun Halloween Night and My Recipe for Halloween Chili

Last night we celebrated Hudson's first official Halloween!  He was such a tiny baby on Halloween last year that it doesn't even count.  He made the rounds trick-or-treating with his parents and then everyone came here for Halloween Chili!  I decorated the front porch with a carved pumpkin, the scary witch that we've had for years and some Halloween lights!  He was very excited and looked so cute in his skunk costume!  Keep scrolling down for the printable Chili recipe. I'm so excited about that new feature!

This was my attempt at carving the pumpkin!  It was supposed to have teeth in the bottom but I accidentally cut them out!

We got this witch years ago and put it out every year at Halloween!

What an adorable little skunk with baby Uggs!

Skunk on the run!

We had to take the pictures really quickly because Hudson would leave the skunk hat on!

I wasn't quick enough with the camera here!

I have to mention that Lauren's scarf is Stella and Dot!  It is so cute and goes with everything!

It was a fun first Halloween for Hudson!


 I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!  Please don't wait until next Halloween to make this chili because it's so good and the leftovers are even better!  

Thanks for stopping by Crazy Blonde Life and have a great day!  Follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!