Crazy Blonde Life

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Happy Birthday Sarah!

We had a family celebration for Sarah's birthday with four generations of family all together!  I can't believe that my baby is 20 years old...the time has flown by and I have loved every minute of it!  Sarah is such a beautiful, sweet girl and I am so proud of her!

The menu was per Sarah's request; we had Macaroni and Cheese, Roasted Broccoli, Salad with Chickpeas and Goat Cheese and Chocolate Cake (she really only requested the mac and cheese and chocolate cake).  We have so many memories of family gathered around our big dining room table and we added another last night!


I made a fall flower arrangement to go on the table and the candles made everything glow!


The golden crispy on top mac and cheese!  It was the best ever!


My sister Catherine with Hudson.  He is wearing his Halloween PJ's!



My nephew Logan and his girlfriend Hollie.


The three candles represent past, present and future.





Image from Pinterest

Happy Birthday Sarah!

It's a brand new start to a brand new week!  I hope everyone has a great Monday!  Please leave comments in the box below and follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!