Crazy Blonde Life

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Happy Monday!  I'm sharing a few pictures from our day moving Sarah into her apartment.  Of course, we had to take pictures on the porch before we left because it has become a tradition! It was such a bittersweet day for me!  Sarah has a sweet, wonderful roommate, Kiely, that she roomed with last year and just knowing that she is happy with her living situation is a big deal!  She's growing up too fast and I know that I'll blink and she'll be graduating!  

We had a great day even though it was hot and it poured rain at one point!  We moved all of her things in, got her bed made and made a list of all the things she still needs!  For some reason, we didn't even think about pots and pans and they have a cute little kitchen.  They did have the essentials though...a baking sheet and cookie dough!


Always the clown!

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Sarah loves Biscuitville and luckily there is one right down the street from HPU!


I didn't take many pictures because we were so busy, but I did snap these two on campus.



Sarah and Kiely on their back patio!

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At PF Chang having dinner!

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Now that Sarah is moved in, I can concentrate on getting Rebecca packed and ready to move to Boston.  It's a Crazy Blonde Life right now! 

Have a great day everyone!  Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @crazyblondelifeblog!