Crazy Blonde Life

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Mr. Crazy Blonde and I set off for an afternoon of fun on Saturday!   We had no plan, we just decided to do whatever we wanted to we went down the road a bit to a town called Mebane and had lunch at a great little restaurant called Table.  We had a delicious lunch and then headed out to do some exploring.

Next, we went to our favorite local antique shop, Brick Alley.  Brick Alley has vintage and antique pieces of every kind, including dishes, silver, jewelry, furniture, art and more!  We never leave empty handed!

After leaving Brick Alley, we decided to go and explore historic Hillsborough.  We walked around and took pictures of some the beautiful historic homes!

The picture below is of the old Colonial Inn.  When I was growing up, we used to go to the Colonial Inn after church for lunch!  It is so sad to see it in such disrepair, but we met the owner who would like to renovated it.  The building was built in 1838 and rumor has it that Paul Newman once stayed there!

An old inn that I ate at as a child. It is in terrible disrepair, but hopefully someone will renovate. It was built in the 1700's.



This home was across the street.  All of the homes on this street were built in the 1700's or early 1800's.


This historic inn was beautiful!  I love the architecture of the door!





We strolled to Matthews Chocolate Shop and got a few delicious pieces of chocolate.  The shop is very small, but the chocolate is as good as any I've ever had!  It's really a gem in such a small town!

After so much walking, we decided to get a little pick-me-up at a restaurant called Antonia's.  I didn't get a picture of the front of the restaurant, but I would recommend eating there!

Having a pick-me-up!




We were so surprised when we got in the car and realized that it was 7:00!  I had guests coming at 7:30, so we headed home in a hurry!  It was such a great way to spend a beautiful afternoon!  Sometimes it's better not to have a plan and just let the day unfold!

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