Crazy Blonde Life

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Anthropologie is the ultimate feel good store, especially at Christmas.  In the midst of all the craziness of the holiday it's so nice to shop in a place that is beautiful and has nearly every kind of gift imaginable.  Yesterday we did a little shopping and had to stop by Anthropologie to see the Holiday decorations and get our dose of feel good! I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of our finds!

We had a really great time picking out some special gifts for the people on our list and maybe a few things for ourselves!  Sarah posed in this adorable hat!  How cute is she?!


I couldn't resist this beautiful apron!


The store is always decorated so beautifully!


These peacock dessert plates would make a wonderful gift - just in case anyone was wondering!


This book has been on my list for a while now.


So many great gifts to choose from!  Any of these would be perfect stocking stuffers.

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It seems that someone likes to have their picture taken!


I hope you've enjoyed my tour of Anthropologie!  Let me know where you like to shop.  Leave your comments in the box below and don't forget to sign up to have Crazy Blonde Life delivered to your inbox!