Crazy Blonde Life

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I just purchased Kris Carr's new book Crazy Sexy Juice!  I was inspired to purchase this book for 2 reasons...Kris Carr herself is so inspiring and I love her blog, Kris Carr - Home of the Crazy Sexy Wellness Revolution, AND I bought a juicer not long ago and I'm just not using it enough!  I decided to challenge myself to do a 21 Day Juice Challenge.  I want to see if juicing really makes a difference in how I feel and look.  I am going to post a picture each day of my juice and tell you what it is.  I hope it inspires you to try juicing and to go out and get Crazy Sexy Juice!

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My first juice is beet, carrot, apple and ginger.  I used 6 smallish beets, 5 carrots, 1 knob of ginger (about 2 inches because I like it spicy), and 2 apples.  This combination made a lot of juice so you can drink some in the morning and some at night or keep it in the refrigerator and drink it the next day.  It is really best to drink it the day it's made, but don't waste it!  Also, it might be a lot on your system to drink it all in one day.  You can cut the recipe in half if you like.


Please comment below and let me know what you think and check back to see my progress!