Crazy Blonde Life

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Okay, I'm going to admit it!  This 21 day juice challenge is harder than I had expected.  Not because it's hard to drink the juice, but because sometimes it's hard to find the time to make it or even to go and buy it!  Instead of a freshly pressed juice, yesterday I drank a GT's Sharing Gratitude Kombucha with Tumeric, Carrot and Ginger.  While I know that it wasn't quite the same as a green juice or a beet juice, it was very healthy!  Along with the live cultures of the kombucha, the juice include freshly pressed carrot and ginger juice AND it was delicious! 


I also really loved the affirmations written all over the bottle!  "If we would take a look around, we would find that the universe is in constant communication."  "Manifest your true self, spread your love, share your positivity, make the people who live around you and the world you live in better."  Gotta love that!

Back to the juicing, but I will be adding this to my grocery list from now on!

Please let me know what you think of GT's Kombucha by leaving your comments below and don't forget to sign up to get Crazy Blonde Life in your inbox!