Crazy Blonde Life

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Get lost reading a book that makes you feel good

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Take a walk and be outside in nature.  Notice the beauty around you.

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Prepare a meal with ingredients from your local farmer's market.  Savor each bite and appreciate what you are doing for your body as well as your soul.

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Go to a yoga class and get your zen on.  Pay attention to your breath.

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Clean your home, put out fresh flowers and light a beautifully scented candle.

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Start a journal and write down ten things that you are grateful for AND why each day.

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Watch a funny movie and laugh out loud.

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Turn on music that you love and dance, even if it's by yourself.

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Get up early one morning and watch the sun rise.

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Volunteer at a local charity and do something for someone less fortunate.

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Pick up trash on your block and beautify your neighborhood.

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Be creative in whatever way feels good to you.  We are all creative in our own way.

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Meditate for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.  Try to find the stillness between your thoughts.

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I would love to know how you feed your soul.  Let me know in the comment box below.

Please leave your name in the email box and you will receive an email each time I post.  Namaste!