A Winning Combination - Confidence & Style

I am honored to be a panelist for a fun and free event happening on August 29 at 9:30 am on Zoom! I will be speaking about how style starts on the inside…with confidence! I have worked so hard on my presentation…complete with slides I did in Canva! This was such a learning experience and it really stretched me to learn something new! I’m a very visual person, but not so technical…however, I think I nailed it with both this time with my visuals and spoken presentation!

My first in-person speaking engagement happened in May of this year and I so enjoyed being in front of an audience and speaking about things I am passionate about! The Supercharge Your Style event will be similar…only on Zoom and I hope to do more of these events in the near future!

I do hope you’ll sign up and start the fall season with confidence and style! Once you sign up, you’ll receive a little taste of what I’ll be presenting as a gift from me! I’ll also be sharing my presentation here on Crazy Blonde Life once the event is over so you’ll have access to it!

Please join me on August 29 at 9:30 am for a fun fashion/style event!

Supercharge Your Style: How to create an easy to dress closet and style you love with less stress - this season!

Fall is just around the corner, and I don’t know about you but I’m starting to like the idea of pumpkin spice lattes and fun fall layers!

Are you feeling tired of shorts and t-shirts, too?

Then I have something for you. (That’s right! The holidays are still a few months off, and already I’m showing up armed with presents.)

But first, let me tell you what it was like the moment I finally created an easy to dress closet and put together outfits I loved for the first time.

I could look put together in less than 30 seconds without thinking and KNEW that I looked amazing when I walked out the door. Heck, I could grab pieces in the dark (even accessories) with my eyes closed  – it was THAT easy.

I want every woman over 40 to feel what I felt that day!

I’ve teamed up with 5 other amazing experts to bring you...

Supercharge Your Style: How to create an easy to dress closet and style you love with less stress - this season!

Even better? I’m giving you a complimentary ticket. Woohoo!

You can claim your seat for the 3-hour workshop here!

Check out a few of the epic topics we’ll be covering:

How Knowing Your Best Colors Can Transform Your Wardrobe

Follow Your Passion - Live Your Best Life in Midlife

Organizing our Closet Including Accessories
Presence: An Internal and External Practice and Why It Matters Now

Radiate From Within: The Style - Wellness Connection

If you’re ready to kick off fall with a sparkles, flare and a whole lot of fun, then you need to register for this event.

It happens online on August 29th at 9:30 am PST.  Click here to reserve your spot!


New Brand Crush - Lyssé New York


The Chesnut Cottage Inn - Charming Bed & Breakfast